Friday, May 9, 2008

fingers crossed.

whoa. summer classes almost over. i hope i didn't fail any of the subjects i took up. a big test coming up this monday plus there's a class card to be released. i hope i did well. waa. can't stop thinking' about it. ughh. plus, there's this effin' qualifying exam for incoming third year students. a day after that is the grueling enrollment process. whew. what a busy week to come. but for now, i'l try to relax and be calm. woo. kind of hard to do when these things has been bugging me for days. i'll get through this, with my fingers crossed. =/

1 comment:

Kevin said...

we'll get through this pau! grueling it may seem, there's light up ahead in the end of the tunnel! (you know what i mean.) ;D